Live in one of Canada’s most beautiful regions, Nova Scotia

A couple riding into Halifax on the ferry
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Live in Nova Scotia, Canada

Are you a pharmacy professional wanting to take your career in a more clinical direction and enjoy the lifestyle you’ve always wanted?

Welcome to Nova Scotia, Canada – where you’re a valued healthcare provider.

Allow us to introduce you to a few pharmacists who have made the move to Nova Scotia.

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Here in Nova Scotia, we help patients by improving healthcare access. Pharmacists are no longer just the healthcare professionals that educate patients on medications. We now prescribe medications. That really improves patients’ access to care, and their overall health. And that’s our goal.

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What makes Nova Scotia unique is our broad scope of practice. We work in pharmacy clinics where we can intervene and help patients. By adjusting their medication, for example, without consulting the doctor first. It’s better for patients, it’s faster, and it’s absolutely rewarding. I love it.

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With the evolving and expanded scope of practice, pharmacists are now able to practice more fully. We’re able to assess some conditions at the pharmacy level, prescribe for them, do point-of-care testing, solve problems, and ease patients’ pain. Being able to provide all these services to my patients is extremely rewarding.